Rules: 2025 Canadian Prairies QSO Party (CPQP)
Last Update: January 16, 2025 - Pending Possible Changes
The Canadian prairie provinces consist of Manitoba (VA4/VE4), Saskatchewan (VA5/VE5) and Alberta (VA6/VE6). Unlike most American states, these three Canadian provinces are not subdivided into counties. Instead, we have federal electoral districts. Manitoba and Saskatchewan have 14 districts each, while Alberta has 34, making for a total of 62 districts. For those who are “out of province” (think “out of state”), your goal will be to work as many of the 62 districts as possible. For those “in-province”, the goal is to work everybody (13 provinces/territories plus 50 states). Note that stations within the Canadian prairie provinces can count one multiplier from every province, including their own.
Begins 1700 UTC – May 10, 2025 Ends: 0300 UTC – May 11, 2025
Stations outside of the three Canadian Prairie Provinces works as many VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 stations in as many electoral districts as possible. Stations inside the Canadian prairie provinces work everyone. Contacts between non VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 stations do not count for QSO credit.
- VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 stations send RS/RST and 3-letter district abbreviation.
- Stations outside the VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 areas send RS/RST and 2-letter State, Canadian provincial abbreviation, or “DX”.
Each complete non-duplicate CW or SSB contact is worth 1 point. Although there is no credit for duplicate contacts, there is no penalty either, so please do not remove them from your log as they help with log checking.
A. For Canadian stations within VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 areas:
Count U.S. states (50), Canadian areas (13): BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NT, NU, YT, NB, NL, NS, and PE
Count a maximum of 63 multipliers on each of the four bands (Max mults = 63 X 4).
Please note: Stations within the Canadian prairie provinces who work each other will log 3-letter abbreviations. They will receive a provincial multiplier for the first VA/VE 4, 5 or 6 station worked on each band, including their own province.
B. For non-VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 Stations:
Count all VE/VA 4, 5 and 6 districts for a maximum of 62 multipliers, on each of the four bands (Max mults = 62 X 4).
NOTE: Stations outside the USA and Canada should be logged as “DX”. These stations count for QSO credit (1 point each) but not as a multiplier. There will be a certificate for “TOP DX” entry by total point value, regardless of entry category.
The final score is the total number of QSO Points multiplied by the total number of multipliers.
QSO Points = CW + Phone points
Final Score = QSO Points x # Multipliers
For example: A station makes 50 CW QSOs and 100 SSB QSOs with a total of 24 multipliers over the four bands:
Score = (50+100) * 24 = 3,600 points.
MODES: CW, Phone
BANDS: 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters
CW: 35 KHz up from the bottom band edge
SSB: 7220 KHz, 14240 KHz, 21340 KHz, 28340 KHz

- Single-OP: One person does all transmitting, receiving, logging, and all equipment adjustments.
- Multi-OP: Multiple persons operating under the same callsign from one station.
- Multiple radios can be used, however only one transmitter can be active at a time, regardless of the number of transmitters in use.
- For multi-operator stations, there is no 10 minute rule regarding band changes.
- Stations may be worked once on CW and once on Phone on each of the 4 bands (maximum 8 QSOs with any one station).
- All CW contacts must be made outside the Phone sub-bands
- Avoid frequencies already in use by any mode
- Assistance: Use of assistance (spotting nets, RBN, packet cluster, CW Skimmer, etc.) is allowed. SO2R is perfectly acceptable.
- Self-spotting: Self-spotting is not allowed.
- A station’s transmitters, receivers and amplifiers must be located within a single 500-meter diameter circle, except for Rovers. Any fixed station that does not meet the 500 meter circle requirements (such as a distributed multi-op) must enter as a check log.
- Check logs are accepted and will not be included in the final results.
- A minimum of 10 QSOs must be logged in order to qualify for a plaque. There is no minimum quantity of QSOs to qualify for a category or a participation certificate.
- Rules regarding ROVERS: “Rover” means a contest entrant operating on amateur radio frequencies from a vehicle, either in motion or stationery, that will move between multiplier areas. Specifically different Federal Electoral Districts (FED) within or among one or more of the 3 prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
A rover station must be independent of all commercial power sources, with contacts made via antennas mounted on or away from a vehicle in a portable configuration.
When Rover Stations change to a new FED they are now considered to be new stations located in a different FED. They now qualify to be contacted again for additional points and multiplier credit by participating contesters.
Upon a change in the FED, the Rover Station must change their logging software to now transmit (via CW) or by voice (PH), the new 3 letter FED identifier. Please review the logging software’s method to make this change in advance of the contest. Making this change to the logging software configuration will then properly record the changed 3 letter abbreviation for the district in your log file.
For N1MM the following works to change your FED:
- by typing CTRL+H
- by right clicking on the county or grid in the Multiplier window and selecting “Set RoverQTH”
- in the Station Data window, RoverQTH box. This box will automatically update when you use any of the other methods of setting RoverQTH below.
- or by typing ROVERQTH in the Entry Window callsign box and pressing Enter. This opens a window to input the county designator.
If a rover station operates on a district line (junction between two or more districts), a separate QSO and complete exchange must be made and logged for each FED worked.
Only VE/VA 4, 5 or 6 stations can enter as Rover Stations that will qualify for the Rover Plaque. The Rover Station must make a minimum of 10 total QSOs in at least 2 FEDs to qualify as a Rover entrant. The Rover station with the highest total computed score from a CP location during the CPQP will win the Rover plaque.
A properly formatted Rover log will show each contact and the FED it was made from. The following example shows a valid set of QSO exchanges:
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger+ 1.0.9883.0
QSO: 14184 PH 2023-05-24 0046 VE5CPU 59 RGQ VE5SF 59 RGW
QSO: 14184 PH 2023-05-24 0046 VE5CPU 59 RGQ N0JDP 59 SD
QSO: 14184 PH 2023-05-24 0047 VE5CPU 59 RGQ KA6BIM 59 OR
QSO: 14184 PH 2023-05-24 0047 VE5CPU 59 RGQ KC4BB 59 AL
QSO: 14024 CW 2023-05-24 0049 VE5CPU 599 RGW N8EAT 599 CO
QSO: 14024 CW 2023-05-24 0049 VE5CPU 599 RGW KE0IZE 599 NJ
QSO: 14184 PH 2023-05-24 0049 VE5CPU 59 RGW WA5LTD 59 MO - Rules for Mobile Stations:Mobile Stations are those operating on amateur radio frequencies from a vehicle, either in motion or stationary. The mobile station must be independent of all commercial power sources, with contacts made via antennas mounted on or away from a vehicle. This type of operation is permitted in the entry categories Stations Outside Canadian Prairies or Combined QRP as defined above. The contest exchange must include the current location (state/province outside CP provinces/territory/DXCC) of the mobile operation as part of the exchange. Should a mobile operator cross a boundary into another qualified location, the operator would need to configure their logging software in the same fashion as a “Rover” station in order to transmit this new exchange profile correctly. Receiving stations may work a mobile station for additional QSO credit when such stations move into different qualified location(s). Should that new location be the first one from that multiplier area, then a multiplier credit would be applied to that QSO in the normal fashion. Mobile stations must declare their power category, high >100 watts, low <100 watts or QRP <=5 watts and will be placed in the appropriate single operator category based on that power category. Mobile Stations must identify their mobile status in the log file submitted to the contest organizers. Mobile Stations will be eligible for plaques and/or certificates in those categories should they obtain the highest score in their entry class and location based on their normal domicile and/or stated location in log.
- The decisions of the organizing committee are final. These rules may be updated at any time.
- The log deadline is 15 days after the contest ends. Upload logs in Cabrillo format using the form in the Log Submission page.