Q:   Can I operate FT8, FT4 or RTTY in CPQP?
A:   No. CPQP QSOs can be made on CW and SSB.

Q:   Is there a CW-only or SSB-only category in CQP?
A:   No.  We are starting small and maybe will get there some day.


Q:   Should I delete duplicate QSOs to clean up my log before I submit it?
A:   No. Never delete duplicate QSOs out of your log. You are not penalized for having them. There may be a good reason why a duplicate station called you. Work the station, log the station and move on. Deleting duplicate QSOs out of your log makes our log checking process more difficult.

Northern Manitoba

Q:  Tell me more about log submission:

A:    We will accept Cabrillo files using either version 2.0 or version 3.0.

       The log deadline is 15 days after the contest ends.